Number & Place Value

February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Numbers to 10,000 – Lesson 1

In this lesson, children are introduced to numbers up to 10,000. They will explore numbers represented in different ways. There […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Rounding to 10, 100 and 1000 – Lesson 2

In this lesson, children recap rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. Number lines and rounding rules will be […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Numbers to 100,000 – Lesson 3

In this lesson, children will explore numbers up to 100,000. This builds on from their previous place value lesson. Children […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Compare and Order number to 100,000 – Lesson 4

In this lesson, children will learn how to compare and order numbers to 100,000. There is a teaching presentation accompanied […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Rounding numbers up to 100,000 – Lesson 5

In this lesson, children will build on their rounding knowledge and round numbers up to 100,000. There is a teaching […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Numbers up to 1,000,000 – Lesson 6

In this lesson, children will build on their place value knowledge and learn how to read, write and partition numbers […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Counting in 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s and 10000s – Lesson 7

In this lesson, children will build on their place value knowledge to count in 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s and 100,000s. […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Compare and Order numbers to one million – Lesson 8

In this lesson, children will build on their previous learning of comparing and ordering looking at numbers up to one […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Round number to one million – Lesson 9

In this lesson, children will build on their previous rounding learning. They will be able to round numbers up to […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Negative Numbers – Lesson 10

In this lesson, children will learn how to count forwards and backwards through 0. They will understand what a negative […]
February 13, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Place Value – Roman Numerals – Lesson 11

In this lesson, children will learn how to read and write numbers up to 1,000 using Roman numerals. There is […]
February 1, 2023

Place Value Charts

Place value charts to help with children’s understanding of place value up to 3 decimal places. There are 3 different […]