Y5 Addition & Subtraction

February 14, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Addition and Subtraction – Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits – Lesson 1

In this lesson, children build upon previous learning of column addition and learn how to add more than 4 digits […]
February 14, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Addition and Subtraction – Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits – Lesson 2

In this lesson, children build upon previous learning of column subtraction and learn how to subtract more than 4 digits […]
February 14, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Addition and Subtraction – Round to estimate and approximate – Lesson 3

In this lesson, children use their rounding skills to estimate and find approximate answers to addition and subtraction calculations. There […]
February 14, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Addition and Subtraction – Inverse operations – Lesson 4

In this lesson, children use their knowledge of addition and subtraction and commutative law to check their calculations to ensure accuracy. […]
February 14, 2023

Year 5 Maths – Addition and Subtraction – Multi-step addition and subtraction problems – Lesson 5

In this lesson, children use their knowledge of addition and subtraction to answer multi-step problems in different contexts. There is […]