Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any personal information, which is given by You to Us (“User Information”) via this web site. This Policy is devised to help you feel more confident about the privacy and security of your personal details.

“You” shall mean you, the user of the Site. “We/Us” means Grammarsaurus “Users” means the users of the Site collectively and/or individually as the context allows.

We process personal data only in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and associated legislation including GDPR.

Data Collection

When using the Site and its services You may encounter areas where You may be asked to enter User Information. Such User Information will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and for the purposes for which it was collected, for any other purposes specified at the collection point.

What data we collect

School data

We collect the school name and address plus minimal contact details. We collect this data for billing purposes.

User account data

This applies to all account holders including teachers.

Name – Our system asks for a name for all users. This is for your convenience and a pseudonym is perfectly acceptable.

Username – All users have a unique username that can be changed at any time by you only. This username is publicly visible in certain places such as where a user owns a list and that list is found in search and makes comments on resources.

Email – Email address is requested for all teacher accounts to allow system communications.

Password – We collect or generate a password for all users to access Grammarsaurus. We only store an encrypted form of the user password so that in the event of a data breach no password data will be accessible. It is down to the user to store their chosen password securely according to the school’s data protection policy.


You should be aware that by using the site, information and data may be automatically collected through the use of Cookies. “Cookies” are small text files that store basic information that a web site can use to recognise repeat site visits and, as an example, recall your name if this has been previously supplied. We may use this information to observe your internet use and to compile data in order to improve the Site, target the advertising and assess general effectiveness of such advertising.

Cookies do not attach to Your system or damage Your files.

How We May Use Your Data

By entering Your User Information via this Site You accept that we may retain Your User Information and that it may be held by Us or any third party company which processes it on Our behalf. We shall be entitled to use Your User Information for the following purposes:

market research, including statistical analysis of user behaviour.
in order to enable Us to comply with any requirements imposed on Us by law or court order; and
in order to send You periodic communications (this may be by e-mail), about features, products and services, events and special offers related to our similar products and services.
Please also note that we do not disclose Your User Information to third parties to enable them to send You direct marketing.

Security & Privacy By Design

Security and Data Retention Security is very important to Us. Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”) encryption technology is used for protection of information in transit for any sensitive transactions such as payments. Additional security procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Your User Information.

By policy, we only collect personal data strictly necessary for the operation of our system and in many cases anonyised data can be used.

We will comply with all relevant Data Protection legislation in relation to the period for which We retain your User information.

All Grammarsaurus data is stored and processed in the UK.

Right to access

You have a right to access a copy of Personal Information stored in Our system about You or Your school. This information is available on request via

Right to be forgotten

You have a right to be forgotten and your Personal Information may be deleted by request. Note that we automatically delete Personal Information after 12 months of inactivity. Note that we do not delete school records as this is not individual Personal Information and this information is required for financial reporting.

Data breaches

We commit to notify users within 72 hours of any breach of Personal Information affecting them.


In order to sign up for Grammarsaurus you are required to explicitly accept our Terms including that you agree to the handling of Your Personal Information in accordance with this policy.

GDPR compliance not otherwise covered

Our organisation fully complies with GDPR regulations. We have completed internal data audits and have appointed a “Data Protection Officer” to monitor our on-going compliance. If you have any specific queries not covered by this policy please contact

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