Year 4 Model Texts

November 14, 2023

Year 4 Model Text – Narrative – The Atlantic Storm

This model text is an adventure story narrative based on Sir Francis Drake. It has been written to meet the […]
November 14, 2023

Year 4 Model Text – Explanation – How a Food Chain Works

This model text is an explanation of the food chain. It has been written to meet the Year 4 Australian […]
November 14, 2023

Year 4 Model Text – Narrative – Return to Ghostly Manor

This model text is a narrative about a pair of children who enter a haunted property during a storm. It […]
October 31, 2023

Year 4 Model Text – Narrative – Rags to Riches

This model text is a narrative following the rags to riches structure focusing on the life of Oliver Twist. It […]
October 23, 2023

Year 4 Model Text – Instructions – How to grow butternut pumpkin

This model text a set of instructions explaining how to grow butternut pumpkin. It has been written to meet the […]