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This differentiated science lesson focuses on looking at the Moon and how it orbits the Earth. It shows children how the Moon orbits the Earth and that it is not the only thing in orbit! Children will be able to describe what is happening between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. For the challenge activity, children will have the chance to research the Moon and create a fact file.
The file contains the following resources:
– An editable lesson plan.
– An editable presentation which also explains the task.
– An editable independent activity differentiated 3 ways.
– An editable challenge activity.
– An editable suggested ‘next step’ marking activity.
ACSSU078- The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun)
AC9S6U02- Describe the movement of Earth and other planets relative to the sun and model how Earth’s tilt, rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun relate cyclic observable phenomena, including variable day and night length...
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