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This model text a persuasive text about saving water. It has been written to meet the Year 4 Australian Curriculum English Learning Area and comes with a handy annotated version detailing the text-type specific features (red), grammar (green), punctuation (purple), spelling (blue) teaching opportunities should you wish to use this text with your learners.
Australian Curriculum
Year 4 Achievement Standards
Students read, view and comprehend texts created to inform, influence and/or engage audiences. They describe how ideas are developed including through characters and events, and how texts reflect contexts. Students describe the characteristic features of different text structures. They describe how language features including literary devices, and visual features shape meaning. Students read fluently and accurately, integrating phonic, morphemic, grammatical and punctuation knowledge.
Students create written and/or multimodal texts including stories for purposes and audiences, where they develop ideas using details from learnt topics, topics of interest or texts. They use paragraphs to organise and link ideas. Students use language features including complex sentences, topic-specific vocabulary and literary devices, and/or visual features. They write texts using clearly formed letters with developing fluency. Students spell words including multisyllabic and multimorphemic words with irregular spelling patterns, using phonic, morphemic and grammatical knowledge.
English Content Descriptors:
Text structure and organisation
Language for expressing and developing ideas
Analysing, interpreting and evaluating
Creating texts
Phonic and word knowledge
Cross Curriculum Links:
Design and Technology
AC9TDE4K01- examine design and technologies occupations and factors including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs
Cross Curriculum priority- Sustainability- Systems
SS2- sustainable patterns of living require the responsible use of resources, maintenance of clean air, water and soils, and preservation or restoration of healthy environments
Level of this pack:
Age: 10/11
Australia: Year 4 / Grade 4
#Year 4 #primary #water #sustainability
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