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This editable pack is in addition to the other Year 5/6 Properties and Changes of Materials lesson packs.
The file contains the following resources:
– an editable KWL grid to assess prior knowledge
– an editable topic cover
– an editable key vocabulary grid
– an editable teacher and pupil self-assessment grid
– an editable end of topic test and answers
AC9S5U04 - Explain observable properties of solids, liquids and gases by modelling the motion and arrangement of particles
ACSSU077 Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways
AC9S6U04 - Compare reversible changes, including dissolving and changes of state, and irreversible changes, including cooking and rusting that produce new substances
ACSSU095 - Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible...
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